To every human there are reasons for taking decisions, undertaking a project or sharing in another’s vision. Reading a book to some people is a project because decisions has to be taken on when to start reading or how often one should read and above all why one should read. Therefore, to an average human reading a book may not really make any meaning, thus most times boring, fantastic or thrilling based on content, companionship or purpose.

How come then that reading the Word of God is beneficiary to the readers devoid of earlier attributes. Could it be because it was written under the unction of the Holy Spirit by God’s selected few?. From expressions, opinions and suggestions, the experiences are universal, non-personal and cut across race, all ages, gender, class lines, professions, language, ethnicity, generation and continent.

What then are the benefits of having a true understanding of His Word:

  • In 2 Timothy 2:17 – the Word helps shapes ones personal attributes, behaviour and sustain same in righteousness.
  • To the Psalmist, there is wisdom beyond ones age when you are rooted in the Word – Psalm 119:99.
  • The lives of others – family, friends and associates can be positively impacted when one knows the Word according to Colossians 3:16.
  • Being in the Word according to Joshua 1:8-9 gives one the courage to be successful in life despite challenges of life.
  • From expressions, the Word gives many directions on what to do, when to do, how to do and who to involve – Psalm 119:105.
  • The Word grant many that believe in it, clarity of thoughts and authority beyond measures in Hebrew 4:12.
  • When you are in the Word, it nourishes you with maturity – Mathew 4:4.
  • In Romans 10:17 – it strengthens ones faith, making one stronger and bolder.
  • The Word guarantees internal joy and delight in whatever you do and wherever you find yourself – Psalm 119:103.
  • The Word helps transforms and illuminates ones life, family and work place.
  • The Word equip believers to every good works.
  • In Psalm 119:11 – it help believers to resist temptations.
  • In John’s Gospel 15:7 – One is guaranteed answers to prayers.
  • According to Psalm 1:1-3, there are blessings and prosperity when you are versed in the Word.
  • Believers souls are revive by the knowledge of the Word as in Psalm 19:7.

Of the truth, the experience is universal. Inhissteps24 there are more to benefit. May He grant to you understanding as you gets to know more about Him and His benefits.

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