Paul was a high school student, who grew up with a believe that Jesus Christ is available to everyone, everywhere and with Him nothing is impossible – Lk. 1:37.

Unfortunately, in June 2020, Paul’s school hostel collapsed, over eighty-seven students were trapped in the crumple, few were rescued alive that same night while some were dead. Paul’s mother was greatly disturbed as to where the body of her only son could be, but to Paul’s father – a missionary in the Caribbean when contacted on phone – “Paul is safe in His hands, He died for his sake, Paul is alive wherever he is”. What an expression of faith.

On the second day, with the help of rescue experts, a voice was heard calling for help in the crumple, it was obvious that some were still alive. Behold, Paul and two of his room mate were alive, saved by His grace without major bruises in a cave, in the crumple – what a miracle.

Jesus Christ is available to everyone, regardless of distance, time, location, barriers or circumstances. He is alive, active and available to all who seek Him, regardless of their background or present situation.

In Romans 10:12-13 – He was and He is still the Lord of the Jews, Greeks and the Gentiles. He was with Moses, He was with Paul in the crumple and will be with you tomorrow. It is about your just believe in Him regardless of your situation. He is ever ready to prove to you that He is with you, wherever you are.

Jesus Christ is available to everyone in our daily lives, regardless of time, need or circumstances. He is ever accessible and desire a personal relationship with each and everyone.

Are you in anyway distant from Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, why not draw closer to Him now InHisSteps, call on His name and experience His awesome presence in your life even now.

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