I KNOW THY WORKS – Revelation 3: 7 – 13.

  1. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
  2. I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
  3. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
  4. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
  5. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
  6. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
  7. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Are you holding tight to What you know about Christ.

Are you abiding in faith as expected of you – Holy and Righteous .

Could it be said that you are enduring through trials, without interchanging your Declarations about Christ?.

Could it be said that you are truly working in the Power and Authority that God has called you to, not being silenced by pressure or control by certain ordinances.

Are you associated with the Head, which is Christ, or have you been tricked away to place certainty and confidence in something else THAN JESUS?.

Is it true that you are battling for the solidarity of the group of Christ, holding individuals of God as your Crown, or rather making battles and isolating them in Confidence?.

Like Jesus Christ – Would you say you are working the WORK of He that sent you?.

Christ is watching and really He knows THY Works.

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Paul was a high school student, who grew up with a believe that Jesus Christ is available to everyone, everywhere and with Him nothing is impossible – Lk. 1:37.

Unfortunately, in June 2020, Paul’s school hostel collapsed, over eighty-seven students were trapped in the crumple, few were rescued alive that same night while some were dead. Paul’s mother was greatly disturbed as to where the body of her only son could be, but to Paul’s father – a missionary in the Caribbean when contacted on phone – “Paul is safe in His hands, He died for his sake, Paul is alive wherever he is”. What an expression of faith.

On the second day, with the help of rescue experts, a voice was heard calling for help in the crumple, it was obvious that some were still alive. Behold, Paul and two of his room mate were alive, saved by His grace without major bruises in a cave, in the crumple – what a miracle.

Jesus Christ is available to everyone, regardless of distance, time, location, barriers or circumstances. He is alive, active and available to all who seek Him, regardless of their background or present situation.

In Romans 10:12-13 – He was and He is still the Lord of the Jews, Greeks and the Gentiles. He was with Moses, He was with Paul in the crumple and will be with you tomorrow. It is about your just believe in Him regardless of your situation. He is ever ready to prove to you that He is with you, wherever you are.

Jesus Christ is available to everyone in our daily lives, regardless of time, need or circumstances. He is ever accessible and desire a personal relationship with each and everyone.

Are you in anyway distant from Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, why not draw closer to Him now InHisSteps, call on His name and experience His awesome presence in your life even now.

For Fellowship, Tracts and Counseling:

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New Creation Ministries Inc.
+234 9048391427.
+234 7062827000.


To every human there are reasons for taking decisions, undertaking a project or sharing in another’s vision. Reading a book to some people is a project because decisions has to be taken on when to start reading or how often one should read and above all why one should read. Therefore, to an average human reading a book may not really make any meaning, thus most times boring, fantastic or thrilling based on content, companionship or purpose.

How come then that reading the Word of God is beneficiary to the readers devoid of earlier attributes. Could it be because it was written under the unction of the Holy Spirit by God’s selected few?. From expressions, opinions and suggestions, the experiences are universal, non-personal and cut across race, all ages, gender, class lines, professions, language, ethnicity, generation and continent.

What then are the benefits of having a true understanding of His Word:

  • In 2 Timothy 2:17 – the Word helps shapes ones personal attributes, behaviour and sustain same in righteousness.
  • To the Psalmist, there is wisdom beyond ones age when you are rooted in the Word – Psalm 119:99.
  • The lives of others – family, friends and associates can be positively impacted when one knows the Word according to Colossians 3:16.
  • Being in the Word according to Joshua 1:8-9 gives one the courage to be successful in life despite challenges of life.
  • From expressions, the Word gives many directions on what to do, when to do, how to do and who to involve – Psalm 119:105.
  • The Word grant many that believe in it, clarity of thoughts and authority beyond measures in Hebrew 4:12.
  • When you are in the Word, it nourishes you with maturity – Mathew 4:4.
  • In Romans 10:17 – it strengthens ones faith, making one stronger and bolder.
  • The Word guarantees internal joy and delight in whatever you do and wherever you find yourself – Psalm 119:103.
  • The Word helps transforms and illuminates ones life, family and work place.
  • The Word equip believers to every good works.
  • In Psalm 119:11 – it help believers to resist temptations.
  • In John’s Gospel 15:7 – One is guaranteed answers to prayers.
  • According to Psalm 1:1-3, there are blessings and prosperity when you are versed in the Word.
  • Believers souls are revive by the knowledge of the Word as in Psalm 19:7.

Of the truth, the experience is universal. Inhissteps24 there are more to benefit. May He grant to you understanding as you gets to know more about Him and His benefits.

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New Creation Ministries Inc.
+234 9048391427.
+234 7062827000.


“I Pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are mine ” John 17:9.

To every average minded human, there is a God who is in heaven, and who created the heavens, the earth, every other creatures, made man in His own image and rested on the seventh day. He so loves human that when man disobeyed Him by yielding to Satan’s advice in the garden of Eden, He could not close His eyes and allowed man to suffer the consequences of his sin as a result of disobedience to His order. He initiated a reconciliation process with His son Jesus Christ as a ransom for the sins of man. Yet when Jesus Christ came to take off the sins of man in the physical, many did not believe Him, His works and His teachings. To most Jews then He was a son of a carpenter – called Joseph whose origin and history they knew. To most of them Jesus teaching did not make any sense because His mandate was not from the Pilate’s palace or earthly councils.

But to selected few who loved God and Jesus, believed in His teachings, His works and His deeds, Jesus was their Lord and Saviour, the awaited Redeemer, Messiah and King. In John gospel chapter 17:9 Jesus made a categorical statement that “His prayer is not for the world but for those God hast given Him, because they belonged to God”. To some people, Jesus Christ was biased. But was He really biased?. No. why because Jesus initial focus was on a selected few to prepare them ahead of time and secondly, because His intercession for humanity generally was not complete. In John 17:6 “Jesus re-echoed, I am now wholly employed for my disciples, that they may be properly qualified to preach salvation to the end of the earth“.

Jesus Christ may have also made references to the then rebellious Jews because God’s wrath was about to descend upon them and Christ prays that His own followers might be kept from the evil according to John 17:15 – “But He does not pray for the world, the rebellious Jews, because the cup of their iniquity was full and their judgement slumbered not“. Jesus also in John 17:20 clarified some doubts “Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word“. What a divine provision because His intercession was in phases. Not these ones (Disciples) alone because some are meant to be pathfinders, trainers or better forerunners, not these ones only that are now my disciples under my tutelage (the twelve, the seventy, with other men and women that followed Him when He came to fulfil His mission on earth), but for those also who shall believe in Me through their words (confession), exercise of faith, either by preaching the Gospel by themselves in their own language, in their own days or written by them for the generations yet to come to benefit from. Christ prayed also for them that did not witnessed Him and His works while on earth but which after years will come to understand and believe, that they may all be one in their interest, exercise of faith or in prayers, that they will derive the benefits preserved for them. Christ knew very well those He prayed for – those that were and are ordained to eternal life, those whose names were and are entered in the Lamb’s book of life and those that WILL believe in Him without doubts (Revelation 20:12-16).

Jesus Christ foresaw our present dispensation and prayed for us to be Kingdom minded, yield completely to His teachings, believe in His works and yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It was not meant for privileged few or for great and eminent believers only or those employed or vested in the highest position of trust and honour in Churches, but for all who shall come to believe Him and His works even in time like ours.

Jesus prayed in John 17:21 and 23 – that we all may be one as in Trinity and unity of purpose, regardless of distance, locality, language, age, race, Church denominations or personal attributes yet we should be united in Him our Redeemer. Although language and manner of expressions may differs, in prayers we should be one because we have received the same Spirit of sonship by adoption through Christ.

Jesus in John 17:22 promised us eternal glory “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one”. The glory of being in covenant with His Father and accepting Him as our Lord and personal Saviour guarantee us a place in His bosom and at His Father’s right hand. This was the glory which the Father gave to Jesus Christ our redeemer, and He confirmed and guaranteed it to us His redeemed. This honour Christ hath given us, because he hath intended it for us, settled it upon us and secured it to us through our believed in Him.

In Revelation 3:5 Jesus Christ emphasized that “All who are victorious will be clothed in white. Will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but will announce before His Father and His angels that they are His“.
Are you truly His own, are you among those He will announce before His Father and His Father’s angels as His?. Being victorious in life is in accepting Him as your Lord and personal Saviour, believe His words, His teachings and His deeds. Just a little faith and Christ is ready and willing to remould, revive and perfect us out off His furnace or are we of Isaiah 29:13 And so the Lord says “Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as these people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour but have removed their heart far from me and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men“.

Christ is still beckoning on us now, why not turn to Him, be saved InHisSteps and be victorious in all facets of life. Your parents, godfathers, mentors or guardians can only influence your decisions but the choice is absolutely yours. Jesus loves and cares more about you, even now!!!.

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New Creation Ministries Inc.
+234 9048391427.
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But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren”, KJV

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not:
Jesus said to Peter, I have asked God to save, protect and preserve you in faith, as a result of pending unavoidable challenges you are bound to face in life as you live on, that you will not be consumed by, discouraged, disappointment, neither loss faith in, yield completely to the wishes of the devil or his agents or suddenly blasphemy against God as was the practice by most Jews then.

Peter was not aware of God’s provisions, he struggled all the way on his own, at a point according to the scripture he became feeble, regardless of the divine mandate he carried to preach Christ and defend the Gospel of Christ. Peter’s faith in Jesus Christ failed but it was not a complete failure, why because Christ had prayed for him ahead of time and the calamity he was to face. Peter at most instances could not withstand what Christ was going through, because he never could have imagined his Master being toiled with by mere men, Peter did not fully understand Christ mission on earth at this point and what His death on the cross was meant to accomplish. Peter became depressed, his strength and great courage failed as human trusting in his capabilities, he denied his Master (Jesus Christ) in His trial period, when He needed Peter’s courage most but because Christ had forseen, interceded for him although he denied Him but did not forsake Him as Judas Iscariot did.

And when thou art Converted : –
Jesus Christ foresaw and made Peter to understand – when the time of your desolation is over and God’s grace is upon your life again, to restore you and make you to understand who you were and the mistakes you have made as well as sins you have committed, who you are and who you should be, what you know about Jesus Christ, His teachings, His promises, His commission and the will of His of Father concerning mankind.

In the scripture, we have seen how disciples forsook Jesus Christ and fled, may be they did not want to be treated or died like Him on a cross as He foretold them. Peter, we know continued for a while near Him, then denied Him on oaths and repeated thrice.

And when the cock crowed the third time, the veil was off him, Peter then realized himself and the folly he had committed, he realized God’s provision, recalled most especially why Christ prayed for him, he regretted he had failed Him, repented of his faithless circumstances and yield to the teachings as well as promises of Christ.

Our Lord Jesus Christ foresaw, foretold and urged Peter that, after his fall, he shall become more cautious and committed in the things of the gospel than ever and that he shall also become uncommonly strong in faith, when compared to his past life, conducts and experiences.

Strengthen thy Brethren : –
Teach your brothers, make them to understand and let what you know as a renewed man – be an integral part of their daily lives. Christ urged Peter to be a pillar to strengthen and support other believers that may be weak and feeble minded, hence, Christ prayed for Peter ahead of time. This came to pass in Peter’s first and second epistles to the persecuted Christians, this proof that God’s word will always come to pass regardless of hindrances or time. Peter was a mere fisherman who came to know Christ, believed in Him, His powers and grace. In Christ Peter was able to do more exploits for the kingdom of God after his fall due to his human interim disbelieve.

What are the challenges or circumstances you are facing in life?. Like Peter the fisherman, you have heard and know much about Christ even better than Peter did, how many times have you so denied Him, Have you realize your folly?, Are you ready and willing to strengthen the weak and feeble minded Brethren in Christ?.
Like Peter, Christ had already prayed for you, made provisions and Providence for whatever you chose to do. God’s provision in Isaiah 65:24 said “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer, and while they are yet speaking, I will hear”. All you need do is to believe Him, His words and a little faith to achieve or summount your challenges. You do not have to deny or forsake Him again regardless of circumstances. Remember you have an obligation to strengthen your brethren that are weak and feeble in Christ that they may know Him better, experience His grace and grow in faith. God still cares about the affairs of men, in Jeremiah 32:27 the Bible says ” Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all fresh: is there anything too hard for me?”. Nothing is difficult for Him to do but He want you and I to be part of His Kingdom, to partake in His already provided grace and benefits of the kingdom that abound.

The decision is yours, in 2 Peter 1:1-3 (NLT) Apostle Peter writes ” 1 – This letter is from Simon Peter , a slave and Apostle of Jesus Christ. I am writing to you who share the same precious faith we have. This faith was given to you because of the justice and fairness of Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour. 2 – May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. 3 – By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a Godly life. We have received all of these by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence “.

God is still looking for men with humble hearts, men who are ready to die for the sake of the gospel, men who are willing to preach the gospel undiluted, men who are willing to sacrifice everything for the cause of Christ and His Church and who will stand in the gap as true servant-leaders for Christ’s Church and the chosen.

In 2 Timothy 2:2 the bible says ” The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also “. It is not for Apostle Peter of old again, rather you and I are the Apostles of this generation with divine mandate from Christ our Lord and Saviour. What have you heard or know about Jesus Christ. Have you or are you willing to teach others or are you searching for faithful men?. May God bless you and lead you to success – Amen.

For Fellowship, Tracts and Counseling:

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New Creation Ministries Inc.
+234 9048391427.
+234 7062827000.

“TAKE HEED” – Romans 11 verse 21.

Living and doing all things at will is the utmost desire of most human but are all things worth doing or partaking?.

Apostle Paul called for self examinations at all times in 2 Corinthians 13 verse 5 so that we might not fall short of His grace. When last did you examine yourself?. Are you still in the faith. Are you ready for His second coming. How prepared are you. He is a covenant keeper and a Saviour, these we know. But –

“For if God did not spare the angels that sinned but cast them to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved into judgement”.

“Likewise, He did not spare the old world but saved Noah, a notable preacher on flood and the other seven persons, thereafter brought the flood upon the world of the ungodly”.

Moreso, “He turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes and condemned them with an overthrow “. Making these examples unto those that chose to live ungodly (2 Peter 2 verses 4-6).

Above all, in Romans 11 verse 2 – it is written “For if God spared not the natural branches. Take HEED LEST, He also spare not thee”.

Re-examine yourself as Apostle Paul admonished and also take stock now as a good warehouse officer for the time is running out.

Finally, the TIME to take HEED is NOW, LEST, He also spare not thee. May His grace be sufficient unto you as you take HEED in Jesus name, Amen.

For Fellowship, Tracts and Counseling:

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New Creation Ministries Inc.
+234 9048391427.
+234 7062827000.


By His grace, the book of Job is not fiction. It is a chronological documentation of what the”Man” Job experienced. A careful look revealed that on FOUR different accounts in verse 15, verse16, verse 17 and verse 19, the words, “I only am escaped alone to tell thee”, is prevalent.

In the first experience, Sebeans attacked, overpowered and killed Job’s servants as they grazed and carted away what was in their possession.

In the second account “fire from heaven” (lightning) burned up Job’s sheep and the shepherds and consumed them.

Thirdly, Chaldeans took possession of Job’s camels and killed his servants and went away with the camels in their captive.

Finally, a windstorm collapsed their elderly brother’s house where Job’s seven sons and three daughters gathered, killed them and others that were part of the celebration.

In each of these four occurrences, God preserved one servant who reported the tragedy to Job. “I only am escaped alone to tell thee” – Two things are involved:

  1. God had a purpose: “I only am escaped alone to tell thee “. To most humans, the trauma Job went through without relief was unbearable, losing his ten children, several hundreds of servants, in addition to wealth and riches. But did God dissert Job even in these conditions. If not what was God’s purpose concerning Job. Forget not that Satan went to God and asked that a permission be granted him to tempt Job. God foreknew that Job will endured till the end, to prove to the devil that Job His servant was not earthly, wealth and riches bound.

Although as human, he felt weak but his faith was stronger because he knew that what had befallen him was a question of time and above all, his Lord and Saviour will saved him.
So whatever the news, the natural disaster and levels of human wickedness you are going through, God will surely save you.

  1. God gave a commission (“to tell thee”). What is your purpose in life?. Each of Job’s servants that escaped death saw reality, they became more committed and realized that they have been saved to tell Job what had befallen him. We have been redeemed by CHRIST through His works in the Cross, so as to testify of what God has done in our lives, families and ministries. As believers saved by grace, we have escaped eternal judgement awaiting all who are lost.

We are on a mission as Job’s servants irrespective of whom or what we are in His Kingdom to profess His grace. Job’s servants were carefree people before the calamities because Job was wealthy and focused and, issues of poverty or disasters were not factors to be considered. But when calamities began to strike, their perspectives changed,, they started taking responsibilities and assumed leadership positions.

Have you escaped like Job’s servants, then tell other about CHRIST, be alive to benefit from His grace by being alert to responsibilities Christ is expecting of you. It might not be Preaching but what can you stresslessly do for Him: (Evangelism, Cleaning of the Church, Visitation, Singing, Writing of Songs, Sermons and Tracts, Care-giving, Support to the Church, Pray for the Church, Events and Programmes Sponsorship, Protect the Gospel, Read and Study the Bible, Discipleship, Stand by the Pastor, Teach, among several others).

Above all, now that you have escaped into the Year 2024, what story or report do you have to tell?.
May He grant you the grace to tell more about HIM in Jesus name – Amen.

For Fellowship, Tracts and Counseling:

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New Creation Ministries Inc.
+234 9048391427.
+234 7062827000.